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360 liposuction treatment

Understanding the 360° Liposuction Approach

Wishing you could get rid of the unwanted fat from various parts of the body. Liposuction to the rescue!  There’s also increased awareness regarding liposuction in India and the liposuction cost in India is becoming more affordable.  There are different types of liposuction, but the two most commonly used techniques are traditional liposuction and 360° Liposuction....

breast lift surgery recovery

Everything You Need to Know About Breast Lift: Surgery & Recovery

It’s a blessing what ageing does to the mind making us wiser with each passing day. But how wonderful it would be if it had the same positive effect on sagging breasts.  As women age, the skin and tissue around their breasts may lose elasticity, causing them to droop and lose their firmness. A...

breast reduction surgery

7 Things You Should Know Before Getting A Breast Reduction Surgery

Women with overly large breasts often feel self-conscious, insecure and unhappy with the size and appearance of their breasts. A breast reduction surgery helps get rid of excess breast tissue and gland thus reducing the size of breasts. Medically known as reduction mammoplasty, this surgery greatly benefits women who lead an uncomfortable life due...

rhinoplasty cost in India

Rhinoplasty 101: What Constitutes a Successful Rhinoplasty and How Much Does Nose Job Cost in India

The human nose, albeit small in size, is a delicate structure made of complicated layers of cartilage and bone. Alteration to one part of it can affect the subtle balance of the entire nose structure.  Hence, only an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon can perform what can be called a successful rhinoplasty.  Now, what constitutes a...

cosmetic surgery in India

The Driving Factor Behind The Growing Popularity of Cosmetic Surgery in India: Peer Pressure or Personal Choice?

Back in the 2000s, we often read about cosmetic surgery in India through headlines about an actress or model getting a particular procedure done. All magazines wrote about it and the news remained the talk of the town until it fizzled away. Now fast forward to 2023, and terms like liposuction, Brazilian butt-lift and...

six pack abs surgery

Coveting SRK’s Killer Abs from #Pathaan? You Can Have Your Own Six Pack Abs with This Surgery Too!

As the Pathaan fever rages, Shah Rukh Khan’s dreamy, chiselled abs have been the talk of the town. If you are someone who spends hours in a gym every day, then you know the effort that goes behind it. Sometimes, you can do all that it takes to get killer washboard abs but still...

mommy makeover surgery Delhi

Is Your Post-Partum Belly Still Looking Pregnant? You Might Need A Diastasis Recti Surgery!

A lot has been said and written about the post-partum experience. Yet, there’s still not enough awareness about all the changes that a woman’s body goes through after delivering a child. If you are a new mother feeling alone and overwhelmed, I get you! Not having the right information at the right time can...

Liposuction Procedure

Which All Surgeries Use Liposuction as an Integral Procedure

Did you know Liposuction surgery acts as the spinal cord to many body aesthetic procedures?   Yes, there are a number of procedures where it wouldn’t be possible to give the desired results without liposuction. Simply because when plastic surgeons lay down the aesthetics of a certain body part, eliminating the stubborn fat from that area...

Evolution of Liposuction in Various Forms and Techniques

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, is the most effective way to achieve more contours and sculpt the body. As with other cosmetic surgical procedures, liposuction surgery techniques have improved, introducing new forms and methods.   Over the years, various forms and techniques of liposuction have been developed and refined to improve the safety and efficacy of...

Liposuction for Men

Different Uses of Liposuction for Men and Women

Both men and women are affected by stubborn fat in the body that does not respond to diet or exercise. Liposuction surgery is quickly becoming one of the most popular and safest procedures for removing excess fat. Liposuction, when combined with a healthy diet and exercise, can help achieve a toned, slimmer appearance in...