What Are Axillary Breasts? How To Treat Axillary Breasts?

axillary breast removal

What Are Axillary Breasts? How To Treat Axillary Breasts?

Often known as additional breasts or polymastia, axillary breasts are a very common disorder. They are lumps or bumps in the underarm (axilla) area that are composed of breast tissue that resembles that in the chest. Despite not being inherently dangerous, axillary breasts may be unsettling and cause concern. This blog delves into the meaning, treatment, and when to seek medical help for axillary breast removal.


What are Axillary Breasts?

As an embryo develops, breast tissue originates along a milk line that runs from the underarm to the groyne. Other than the chest region, this tissue usually vanishes. Axial breasts may develop, nevertheless, from leftover breast tissue that stays in the armpit. Though more common in women—affecting 2% to 6% of women compared to 1% to 3% of men—these may affect both sexes.

The size and look of axillary breasts might vary. While some can become bigger and even have a nipple, others could be tiny and hardly detectable. Hormone swings may affect axillary breast tissue just as they do normal breast tissue. They may swell or become painful when a woman is pregnant, has her menstruation, or uses birth control.


Symptoms of Axillary Breasts

A bulge or bump under the armpit is the main indication of axillary breasts. These masses could be:

  • Painful, particularly when hormones are changing
  • Touch-sensitive
  • Size or texture changes that are apparent throughout a pregnancy or menstrual cycle
  • Sometimes the axillary breast is only a cosmetic worry and there is no pain.

axillary breast tissue removal

Axillary Breast Treatments

The armpit region may include axillary breast tissue, sometimes referred to as auxiliary breast tissue. Even while it’s usually harmless, it may make you feel uncomfortable, irritated, and self-conscious. For the surgical axillary breast tissue removal, there are two primary options:

  • Liposuction: This minimally invasive technique removes unwanted fat deposits, including breast tissue in the axilla, by suctioning it out using a tiny tube. It provides a faster healing time and is best for lesser quantities of tissue.
  • Excision: To remove the axillary breast tissue directly, this surgical technique entails creating an incision in the armpit. It works well for greater tissue volumes or situations when liposuction is insufficient.

Comfort and confidence may be greatly increased with any method. Depending on your unique requirements and objectives, speaking with a board-certified plastic surgeon may assist you in choosing the best course of action for axillary breast tissue removal.


Knowing When to Visit a Doctor

Should you discover a lump or bump in your armpit, you should see a doctor, particularly if it is:

  • New and expanding fast
  • aching or tender
  • Skin changes (redness, dimpling) accompanying it
  • Nipple discharge

It’s crucial to remember that some symptoms may point to the existence of a medical problem that needs further research. It’s important to see a doctor if you’ve detected a lump. They may do a comprehensive physical examination and suggest further tests, such as imaging (mammography or ultrasound) or a biopsy, to identify the kind of lump and choose the best course of action.


Seizing Control of Your Self-Assurance

Although axillary breasts have no medical significance, they might make you feel less confident. Seeking a means of escape? For axillary breast tissue removal, think about speaking with a board-certified plastic surgeon in India like Dr. Priya Bansal. To go about your choices and start your road to a body you love, schedule an appointment right now.

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